People not only build cities but also bring them into motion. Someone hurries to somewhere, runs, drives, someone waits for one, and someone stops all of that to fix. We decided to show to the citizens and guests of Lviv this unnoticed dynamics of the city, which becomes visible while observation for motion fixedly.
On International Museum Day in May 2019 we proposed to everyone to stop and to look at those who make this city and its space alive more than a century. The visual materials presented different epochs of Lviv: pre-war, Soviet and post-Soviet periods. All photos and videos could be seen as projections on the windows of the Lviv Tourism Office at Ruska, 20. Pictures could be seen as inside of the office as in the street, where we equipped comfort zone: chairs, hot tea, and cookies. Photos and videos for exhibition were sent from collections of City Media archive of the Center for Urban History, from private collections of Kotlobulatova and of Willy Furgal.